West Tian Shan Biodiversity

In 1996 we worked with Flora and Fauna International to assess local energy needs with local communities and users in and around of the Protected Areas of the West Tian Shan Mountains in the three countries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. We helped build consensus and develop a sustainable renewable energy and resource management strategy to prevent over-exploitation of forest and other resources in and around of important protected areas and national parks.

We returned to the same trans-boundary region again in 2001 to undertake a political and institutional analysis of the cross-border framework and legal basis for sustainable development in the Protected Area buffer zones by facilitating participatory reviews and exchanges between local communities, businesses, NGOs and government representatives in the three countries.

West Tian Shan Interstate Biodiversity Project (2001 & 1996) Copyright ARCADIS
West Tian Shan Interstate Biodiversity Project (2001 & 1996)
West Tian Shan Interstate Biodiversity Project (2001 & 1996)